a brief introduction to

iREST & yoga nidra

yoga nidra/iRest can take the form of guided meditation or a one-to-one where I offer gentle direction and guidance to help you navigate life’s challenges.

At the very least, you will experience deep rest and relaxation. At best, it’s life-changing. I invite you to take a moment to do nothing. In doing nothing, you realise you already have the superpowers within you to handle anything that life throws at you. But beyond simply coping with life’s ebbs and flows – you realise that whatever you’re going through, you are complete and unbreakable. Let go of the constant need to change, to fix, to control and know that you have the stillness and strength within you to be calm and content right now.

Yoga nidra is a centuries old, tried and tested, approach to finding calm within the chaos. Validated by modern science and research, it provides relief and support with stress, sleep disorders, trauma and pain. In a world where anxiety, impatience and frustration feel part of daily life, yoga nidra enables us to respond with kindness and strength. In a world where life can feel full of judgement and consumption, yoga nidra strips away the excess, leaving a simplicity and spaciousness.  In a world where we so often try to be someone we’re not, conforming to expectations, yoga nidra allows us to be truly grateful for each moment, to be content in who we are and to let go of what we don’t need.

Life becomes more simple.

a brief introduction to


training the mind sounds like hard work, right?

Life is hard enough so adding another ‘job’ to the to-do list and having something else to work at doesn’t sound like much fun. That’s exactly what I thought, but it doesn’t have to be like this. With guided meditation, you do nothing but listen. Let my words, let the sounds, let the silence enable you to relax, rest and begin to get in touch with the calm stillness that is already and always within you.

You don’t have to do anything. Just show up and be.